3 Tips for Singing in Front of People

The big question everyone asks us is how not to be nervous when singing in front of people? The most experienced of us gets nervous when we sing in front of people! Even Adele said in an interview with Rolling Stone, “I’m afraid of audiences”. Many singers find their rituals and exercises that they do before every performance to get them relaxed before getting up in front of people to sing. That can look different for everyone from stretches to warm soothing drinks. We all find our own methods for calming down and staying calm. But here we share three […]

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Sacramento Violin Teacher | Darya Voronina

We want to introduce to you one of our Sacramento violin teachers at Martucci Music, Darya Voronina! Darya’s Early Musical Background Darya Voronina was born and raised in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. At the age of 5 she began attending the local music school to study the violin with her first violin teacher. She studied there for four years until her family moved to the United States. Growing up in the United States, Darya continued taking private lessons with various violin teachers. She also attended other professional violin courses during the summers to further accelerate her studies. Darya’s Adult Musical Background In […]

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4 Methods for Practicing the Violin

Today, I’d like to share with you 4 specific methods of practicing the violin. These practice methods can help anyone learn their repertoire with consistent discipline and to learn it a lot quicker and more efficiently. Sometimes practicing the violin consistently every day can be difficult to maintain. Especially if there is no structure for how to practice. We can’t depend on our inspiration for practicing our violin music simply because we won’t feel inspired every day, all the time. Therefore, we need some structure to keep us on the straight and narrow of daily practice. The discipline of using […]

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Practicing For Your Violin Lessons: Mindset

Let’s talk about practicing for your violin lessons for a second.  How about we talk specifically about the key importance of mindset? These pointers on mindset and practicing for your violin lessons are not only relevant for your lessons but also for your performance preparation. They are pointers that I have learned along my professional violin journey and they have served me well. This is why I am so eager to share them with you too! I want you to experience them and see how they do shape your mindset and become important tools to use for gaining success. So […]

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Amazing Kids Who Play the Piano

In this blog we have compiled a few entertaining clips of extremely talented kids who play the piano. Our hope is that you would share these clips with other kids to inspire them with their musical goals and aspirations. Let’s Start with Piano Entertainment Everyone enjoys watching people show off their talent and the younger the performer, the more amazed we are! We love to be dazzled and awe-struck by what other people are capable of doing. And let’s be real, we don’t really care if they were born with a crazy amazing talent or if they put in the […]

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Vocal Lessons & The Funky Things We Do

Some Funky and Awkward Things to Expect When You Start Vocal Lessons There are a lot of funky things we do in vocal lessons. It’s always, and I mean always, awkward for every student at first. They look at their vocal coach like, “Whaaaaaa?”. But we are used to it. We see it all the time and we can navigate those new students through the awkward and get them to participate with us in less than 30min. Here’s an introduction of some of the common things that you might encounter during your vocal lessons. If you are new to the […]

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My Voice Lesson Experience

I’ve learned so much in my voice lesson experience and not just about my voice I am going to share with you my voice lesson experience at Martucci Music. I have been taking voice lessons at Martucci Music since the spring of last year. During my lessons I have learned so much and not just about my voice, but about self-expression as well. Music has always been very important to me in my life. It’s not only something I do for fun, but it also gives me confidence and allows me to tell a story. Every time I go to […]

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My Singing Lessons in Sacramento

I Was Scared to Start Singing Lessons When I started my singing lessons in Sacramento at Martucci Music, I was scared to show my true potential when it came to singing. I never had the right guidance and felt as if my voice wasn’t good enough. I was also kind of uneasy about singing songs that I only ever dabbled in. Until three months ago when I started at Martucci Music. It was scary. But at this school, they make sure you are absolutely comfortable and are balanced about staying within but also going out of your comfort zone. Doing […]

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Social Benefits of Singing Lessons for Kids

There are two main topics we would like to discuss in this article. These two points pertain to the social benefits of singing lessons for kids: body confidence and vocal confidence. One of the greatest pleasures we have in giving singing lessons to kids is watching them socially develop and grow in confidence. Body Confidence Singing lessons for kids (and adults, but we’re just discussing kids here) is all about how to use your body to create sound. It’s about how to breathe in low and deep and how to channel the output of that airflow. It’s also about how […]

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Piano Lessons: What to Buy

The most popular question we get from people wanting to take lessons at Martucci Music is what to buy for piano lessons. What kind of piano or keyboard they should start with? Where do they find it? This article will help give you some knowledge on this topic.   Piano Versus a Keyboard or Electric Piano First off, when you’re not sure of what to buy for piano lessons, there is always a traditional piano. A piano is a piano and if all the keys work and it is decently in tune, you are good to start! Perhaps further down […]

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