We want to introduce to you one of our Sacramento violin teachers at Martucci Music, Darya Voronina!

Darya Vorovina - Violin Teacher
Classically trained Sacramento violin teacher, Darya Voronina, teaches at Martucci Music.

Darya’s Early Musical Background

Darya Voronina was born and raised in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. At the age of 5 she began attending the local music school to study the violin with her first violin teacher. She studied there for four years until her family moved to the United States. Growing up in the United States, Darya continued taking private lessons with various violin teachers. She also attended other professional violin courses during the summers to further accelerate her studies.

Darya’s Adult Musical Background

In college, Darya studied the violin with professor and violin teacher, Igor Veligan. After two years, she then transferred to California State University of Sacramento (CSUS) where she is currently pursuing her Bachelor’s degree in violin performance. Additionally, Darya continues her professional violin studies with her Sacramento violin teacher, Professor Anna Presler.

At Sacramento State University, Darya plays in the first violin section with their Symphony Orchestra. She also performs in a quartet for multiple concerts throughout each semester in order to constantly keep herself challenged as a violinist.

Experiences Beyond CSUS

By the invitation of the Sacramento State Symphony Orchestra conductor, Darya attended the Music in the Mountains Festival in Grass Valley in 2019. At the Festival she participated in a quartet and received the privileged opportunity to be professionally coached and to play multiple concerts with a highly professional orchestra.

Further, on top of her rigorous academic achievements, Darya plays in multiple church orchestras and wedding ensembles. Additionally, she is a violin teacher teaching both the violin and music theory for various violin courses during summer. Lastly, she holds the role of a concertmaster of the symphony orchestra at her own church and plays with congregational singing in youth camps as well.

Sacramento Violin Teacher at Martucci Music

Darya says that her studies in violin at an early age deepened her love for this instrument as well as music in general. Darya looks forward to sharing the love and joy for violin and music with all of her students. Her passion is to support and assist students in creating music that stems from within themselves. We are truly honored that Darya dedicates her time as a violin teacher at Martucci Music.

Click HERE to sign up for violin lessons with Darya Today!

Teenage girl playing violin outside
Give a child a year of music lessons and they will never hear music the same way again.