Sacramento Musical Theater Workshops

Take your performance skills to the next level!

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Take Your Musical Theater Performance & Audition Skills to the Next Level!

We’re here to give musical theater coaching and training that is not commonly found the young musical theater communities so that students can level up their musical theater skills and land bigger roles with their auditions!

In traditional theater communities, you will find plenty of coaching for acting and for singing but not for integrating both and having a set audition plan for it. 

…Because you can’t bank on just the inspiration of the moment and hope is not a plan.

If you’re looking to stand out from the other actors who are auditioning, integration and planning skills are key!

Musical Theater Auditions in Sacramento

Through Our Theater Workshops Students Will:

  •  Develop Self-awareness
  • Become More Confident
  • Find Their Unique Creative Style
  • Meet Other Young Performers
  • Have Fun
  • Create an Audition Plan
Theater Workshop Details:

Each Month is a Separate Workshop
4 Sessions per month | Wednesday nights 6:30-7:30pm

Fees Include:

  • Our ePacket Signature Curriculum ($95 value)
  • Performance Checklists
  • Private Coaching ($175 value)
  • Group Coaching ($130 value)
  • An Audition Framework
  • A Personalized Audition Plan 

Total Monthly Value $400  
Only $139!!

Theater Workshop Director

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Brianne Cardona, MA in Vocal Performance, UCLA, Senior Manager at Martucci Music.

Our School’s Location

We are excited to have your student join us and look forward to meeting you!

Our Problem with Musical Theater Companies and Musical Theater Education

Most theater companies, both private and school productions, are auditioning kids for their already existing singing and /or acting skills in order to find the necessary talent needed to put on their productions. These kids are simply expected to learn their music, speaking lines, act, and put on a production. Time is not spent teaching students how to continue to develop the marriage between their acting and singing.

Some of these musical theater kids take singing lessons and/or acting classes separately but rarely is anyone specifically going into any great depth on the technical art of combining these two skills.

Musical Theater Companies and Musical Theater Auditions

Because of this lack of developmental education, musical theater companies are not seeing their young performers improve their audition skills. Instead, students are repeating their habits and show minimal growth in landing bigger and better roles among their age group.

But Musical Theater Companies are Not Schools

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That being said, we see many parents and families register their kids into these theater company programs as if they are schools. They might expect to see their child’s talent expand more than they end up seeing and wonder why their child isn’t climbing the ranks and landing bigger roles season after season, audition after audition.

Of course, teaching the technical art of uniting acting and singing is not what musical theater companies are established to do anyway. Musical theater companies are not art schools. They simply display the talent that they have already found and the music and script of the current musical they are pursuing for public entertainment. It’s an entertainment business, not an art school. And this leaves a gap in equipping students to advance their talents.

This lack of the theater companies investing into their musical theater students is the reason why we started our musical theater workshops.

What We Bring To The Table

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Our musical theater workshops focus on developing the integration of students’ singing and acting skills. By the end, we teach students how to create an audition plan using a series of tools and technics that will level up the skills needed to land bigger roles in their musical theater companies.

These workshops are small groups of serious students who are dedicated to advancing themselves in the musical theater world.

Each workshop series consists of three intensive group sessions in which we teach methods for developing audition and recital pieces as an actor and singer. This careful planning and structure of integration is what will level up a student’s audition skills and make them stand out from other auditioners! 

Students can join any of our quarterly series, no matter their level. But be sure to register in advance because each series will host up to 6 students.

Why Our Musical Workshops Make a Difference

We have helped many students with audition preparations and coaching to strengthen the weaker points of their singing technic. However, we also noticed that many of these students have no set plan for their acting while they sang their audition piece. Their plan? To “wing” it. Meaning, they were just going to bank on their inspiration at the moment of their important audition!

You Can’t Just Bank on Inspiration!

The problem with banking on inspiration of a moment is that it allows anxiety and nerves to have more influence in the moment as well. 

Instead, a professional will have rehearsed the exact same audition plan over and over again so that if and when that nervous anxiety comes, it has less of an influence on the muscle memory that has been developed with practiced repetition. 

THIS is what will set a great candidate apart from a good candidate. A rehearsed TECHNICAL plan.

Let Us Help You Level Up Your Musical Theater Skills!

Sign Up Today!


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More About Our Music School

Our passion is giving music lessons with an emphasis in self-awareness, self-expression, and self-confidence.
It’s more than just music here. It’s a commitment to “Self”.

Sacramento Family Picture

From Gabriella Martucci, Owner of Martucci Music:

I was born and raised in Sacramento, CA. Where I attended Sacramento State University School (CSUS) where I obtained my music degree. In short, my music study experience unexpectedly helped me reconnect to aspects of myself that I had unknowingly disconnected from both emotionally and physically.

My professional musical training experience can be summed up as having learned this: that confidence and expression of “self” develop only as much as we are aware of “self”.

The study of music was my gateway into higher levels of self-confidence and personal expression. It has, therefore, become my passion to share this experience with my community.

Gabriella currently lives in South Carolina with her husband who serves as a pilot in the United States Air Force but her fixed passion and commitment to serve her Sacramento community continues on.

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Brianne Cardona, Senior Manager at Martucci Music:

Brianne Cardona is a classically trained soprano, specializing in opera classical singing and musical theater. Brianne holds a Masters Degree in Vocal Performance and Opera from UCLA and a Bachelor’s Degree in Vocal Performance from Southern Oregon University. 

She first began teaching at Martucci Music in November of 2018 and was promoted to Assistant Manager in June of 2019 and then Manager in January of 2020. She has always believed that singing is a personal and vulnerable instrument and has always practiced the utmost sensitivity and encouragement with all of her students. She believes it is her purpose to help foster all of her students’ musical talents, helping them outside of their comfort zones and paving a path in their own musical journey. 

Brianne uses creative and innovative warm ups tailored to each student since she believes that voice lessons are not “one size fits all”. She has a highly trained ear to help decipher any vocal issues that a student might be experiencing and will work with each student to create vocal exercises that WORK for them. She runs the Musical Theater Workshop, an intensive class for our students interested in pursuing a path in performance in which the class teaches performance techniques and character analysis while learning and maintaining proper vocal technique. 

Is Musical Theater Your Thing?

Looking to sharpen your musical theater acting, singing and audition skills? Are you are a beginner or trying to raise your personal bar to land those bigger and better roles in your theater company or school productions? 

We’re here to help you gain an aspect of musical theater coaching and training that is not so commonly found among young musical theater communities. You will find plenty of coaching for acting and for singing but not for integrating both. Integrating acting and singing together is a separate skill from its parts. 

If you’re looking to stand out from the other actors who participate in musical theater auditions, integration training is key!

Sign Up Today!