There are two main topics we would like to discuss in this article. These two points pertain to the social benefits of singing lessons for kids: body confidence and vocal confidence. One of the greatest pleasures we have in giving singing lessons to kids is watching them socially develop and grow in confidence.

Body Confidence
Singing lessons for kids (and adults, but we’re just discussing kids here) is all about how to use your body to create sound. It’s about how to breathe in low and deep and how to channel the output of that airflow. It’s also about how to use the body’s core muscles for creating a strength and support behind the exiting airflow and how to let that stable movement of air carry your voice out beyond your perceived personal space.
Oftentimes, these physical mechanisms can’t or won’t work effectively when a child is too nervous or anxious. This is a great opportunity for kids to learn how to be in tune with their body and to learn to release emotions that will allow them to be a mentally and physically freer version of themselves.
Vocal Confidence

In the process of singing lessons for kids, we address the voice of a person. The voice can be one of the most intimate and unique aspects of a person’s being. It carries out into the world the thoughts of the heart, mind and soul. It’s a fragile vehicle of communication and is therefore closely tied with one’s “self”. That’s why we always keep saying, “It’s more than just music here at Martucci Music, it’s a commitment to one’s “self”.”
To hear someone’s voice is to hear the heart, mind, and soul behind it. In singing lessons for kids, we validate the student’s voice, encourage it and develop it. We believe that the development of the physical voice effects the development of the heart, soul, and mind behind simply the technics of creating sound. This is because, as humans, we are biologically both physical and emotional beings.
We have seen how singing lessons for kids has helped these children become more confident in who they are. More confident with us, their family, their friends and even in their academic schooling. For example, we’ve also seen how building up the confidence of the voice can directly influence a child’s public speaking skills.
We are constantly checking in with our community at Martucci Music school to hear from them about anything and everything. I, Gabriella Martucci, was able to ask one of our students a couple of specific questions via email. She replied by sending me back the following. Her mom also shared about Liza’s experience in taking voice lessons and how it has shaped Liza as a person from her perspective as a parent.
Hear Liza’s Story
Hi Gabriella! Here are my answers to your questions:
When I first started taking voice lessons I was not very confident and didn’t have much stage presence because I was so nervous. I’ve definitely noticed that I have felt more relaxed on stage and that has created less tension in my voice.
One thing that we have focused on in voice lessons is not shying away from the big notes. I am definitely showing improvement even though I still have a lot to work on. Brianne has me do this thing called “elephant ears” which has really helped. She has me put books by my ears to make my voice seem like it is coming from somewhere else or that someone else is singing. It’s an exercise that helps me not to concentrate on judging my singing so much.
I started voice lessons when I was 10 years old
It was 2017 and I would have never imagined myself actually wanting to get up in front of people and sing! But I definitely would like to have more chances to perform in front of an audience since I haven’t done that in a while. Now I can see myself maybe performing at bigger venues when I’m older. It’s a hard to get dream, but I would love to sing at the Grand Ole Opry in the future.
I would recommend voice lessons to people who want to build their confidence in singing no matter what they want to do with their voice. Even people who don’t think they are very good, it is nice to hear encouragement and get help from the teachers. It definitely helps you get out of your shell and it’s a great way to express yourself through the songs you choose.
Hear From Liza’s Mom
Hi Gabriella, a few thoughts about these questions from my perspective:
Liza started voice lessons after trying out for the school talent show and making the auditions. She’d never sung in front of a group before, or even showed interest! She came to voice lessons for a crash course in singing and I don’t think she realized how much growth could come from those voice lessons.
After the talent show, Liza realized how much stage fright she had and how much it can affect your ability to sing. Working specifically on loosening her body, her throat, her face, and learning to breathe through stress has helped her tremendously. I also see her in other situations where she has learned to transfer those tools to calm herself in other tense moments. Seeing she could get through two talent shows and two recitals so far has given her confidence to try new things and talk herself through them. She’s gained confidence in herself through the voice lessons and her ability to do things, even when they stress her out. She also recognized another talent show contestant’s complete fear last year and was able to relate to the girl and give her a boost of encouragement. She even offered the girl a tip to help her calm herself!
What is Liza up to now?
Liza has expressed interest in doing another talent show, and even performing in other venues. She was recently given the opportunity to record a song. Even working really hard on a song she realized so much more goes into recording! She’d love to be a stage performer someday. Having the encouragement from a voice coach, she’s able to chip away at some of her nervousness and gain tools to continue to improve herself.
Hope you had a good weekend and Happy Mother’s Day! Next year will be a whole new experience for you???
A Closing From Me, Gabriella Martucci
I got chills when I read Liza and Amy’s emails. We are living our passion at this music school and to hear these results coming out of our community’s perspective is beyond exciting! Write to me personally if you would like to set yourself up for a taste of what we have to offer! I would love to chat with you!
Click HERE to Learn More About Starting Voice Lessons With Us!