‘Tis the season to start making resolutions for the New Year! We’re here to help you make realistic music goals for 2022. Read on for our advice on setting goals that will make you feel more confident, more self-aware, and that set you up for success.
Make A Realistic ‘Big Picture’ Goal
Part of making a realistic music goal for 2022 that you will accomplish is thinking of the big picture. For the student who started taking lessons a couple months ago, make it your ‘big picture’ goal to feel confident & capable in TWO major techniques regarding your instrument. If you’re a cello player maybe that’s understanding large muscle group movement and the proper way to hold your instrument. For singers, perhaps you want to focus on breath work & understanding the importance of posture for better singing. You now have a ‘big picture’ realistic music goal as well as two realistic music goals for 2022!
Make a Realistic Plan To Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed
According to the Statistic Brain Research Institute, 45% of Americans make a New Year’s Resolution but only 8% keep them. Make a realistic plan to help you every step of the way with your realistic music goals for 2022! We already set the ‘big picture’ goal. Now you need to break it down and take baby steps.
What can you do every month to get you closer to completing the ‘big picture’? If your big picture is performing in one of our Student Recitals then plan for the Fall or Winter Recital. Break it down into smaller accomplishments. January and February can focus on learning the small details of your music. End of January can be your deadline to learn the pitches accurately. February can be your lyrics (or fingering) deadline. You can make a goal of performing in front of a loved one you feel safe with in March. Maybe for April you can attend a workshop & commit to asking questions about performing. Every month is one step closer to growing your confidence and self-awareness. Make sense?
Schedule Your Time Realistically
Making realistic music goals for 2022 involves practicing. In fact, there is no music goal without practicing at the forefront. Don’t let this scare you! We suggest getting a good planner and scheduling in your practicing time for the week. Remember, be realistic! The easiest way to scare yourself into quitting is by putting too high expectations on yourself. If you’re an adult student balancing a work schedule then try penciling in the different aspects of your life: work, social, music, etc. Be honest with what is most important to you because everybody’s life is different and it’s important to honor that. Schedule your practice time according to what will be realistic and doable. Now, you’ve created a ‘big picture plan’ to go with your ‘big picture goal’. You’ve created a schedule that works realistically with your unique life.
Expect Realistic Reactions
So you’ve got your realistic music goals for 2022. You have your ‘big picture goal’, you have your ‘big picture plan’! You’re unstoppable! Except you’re human, and you will have bad days. So what do you do then? Funnily enough, you remind yourself of your ‘big picture’.
Call us obsessed, but reminding yourself of your big goal is handy for those days when it seems that every little thing is going wrong. Whatever our age, there are seasons of our life that are trying for us. Let’s be real though, sometimes our realistic music goals for 2022 will seem small & insignificant. Especially after a really bad day. So what can you do? You can choose to remain self-aware and keep your eye on the big prize or well, big picture. Your music teacher is here for you every step of the way!
As you prepare to ring in the New Year, be proud of yourself. Whether you’re a brand new student excited to start lessons in January or have been a part of Martucci Music for a while, you’re making the choice to do something and that’s amazing! You’ve set your realistic music goals for 2022. We’re here for you always.
It’s more than just music here. It’s a commitment to “Self”. Happy New Year, everyone!
Group Music Classes
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Studying Music: 6 Benefits
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