Martucci Music Adult Piano Lessons

The most popular question we get from people wanting to take lessons at Martucci Music is what to buy for piano lessons. What kind of piano or keyboard they should start with? Where do they find it? This article will help give you some knowledge on this topic.


Piano Versus a Keyboard or Electric Piano

First off, when you’re not sure of what to buy for piano lessons, there is always a traditional piano. A piano is a piano and if all the keys work and it is decently in tune, you are good to start! Perhaps further down the line you may want to find something “better and fancier”.

Your second option when you’re not sure of what to buy for piano lessons would be a keyboard or electric piano and that’s where it gets a bit more confusing. There are quite a few more variables when it comes to shopping for a keyboard or electric piano for lessons.


Electric Features Needed for Piano Lessons

Below, we cover which features your keyboard or electric piano should include when considering what to buy for your piano lessons for practicing those lessons at home and where the best places are to find one for yourself or your child around Sacramento.


Beginning Adult Piano Lessons

Adult Piano LessonsIf you are an adult beginner in need of an instrument and you are looking to go the electronic route, then here are the most important features to consider when shopping for an instrument for your piano lessons:

1. Is the keyboard/electric piano full size?
There are three main sizes of keyboards: 61 keyed, 76 keyed, or 88 keyed. An 88 keyed instrument is considered a full size and has as many keys as a regular piano. A 76 keyed keyboard is not quite full size and you will very soon find yourself limited as you progress through your piano lessons. Stay away from a 66 keyed keyboard. It’s too small!

2. Does the instrument have weighted keys?
Weighted keys mean that when you press down on the keys, there is a resistance that matches that of a real piano. If you can get a keyboard with weighted keys, you will have no problem transferring to playing a regular piano at any point since you are used to that resistance. A semi-weighted keyboard has half the resistance from a real piano feel. We don’t recommend semi-weighted instruments.

3. Does the instrument have a sustain pedal?
A sustain pedal is used for carrying on the sound of a played key on your instrument. It is used a lot when playing the piano and is most essential when searching for the right keyboard for taking your piano lessons!
You can also purchase sustain pedals online through Amazon or at any music store if your instrument doesn’t come with one. As long as it has a place for you to plug it in!

Beginning Children’s Piano Lessons

Boy and teacher taking a piano lessonAs a quick side note when considering what to buy for piano lessons as far as a keyboard or electric piano for beginning children, all the above information applies.

The one point to make that would be different for children’s piano lessons than adult piano lessons is that children will not grow as fast out of a 76 keyed keyboard as an adult would. Therefore, it is fine to start a child with lessons on a smaller keyed instrument. Even a 61 keyed one could work for the exceptionally little ones!


Where to Find Your Instrument:

1. Craigslist! Always a good place to keep an eye out for finding a good deal!
3. Facebook Marketplace
4. Stores in Sacramento: Guitar Center, Tim’s Music, or Kline Music.

I hope this information has given you an idea of what to buy for your piano lessons!
Until Next Time!

Gabriella Martucci